Администрация Обнинска в Телеграме Администрация Обнинска в Вконтакте Администрация Обнинска в Одноклассниках
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Obninsk – ideas come true here

General information

First science city in Russia

The history of Obninsk began in 1945 with a decision by the Foundation of Scientific Research Institution to create Laboratory “V”, which later became known as Institute for Physics and Power Engineering. As a result of Laboratory “V”, the first nuclear power plant in the world was built in 1954. The city was built around the station in order to support it. The official date of city’s foundation is June 24, 1956.

Obninsk is located on the bank of the picturesque Protva River, 80 km away from the Region’s capital, Kaluga, and 100 km away from Moscow at the intersection of Kievskoe and Varshavskoe highways. In addition to rail, there are three international airports in easy driving distance to Obninsk: Vnukovo (70km), Domodedovo (100km), and Sheremetyevo (130km) and one cargo airfield just around the corner, Ermolino (15km).

The city covers approximately 5,015 hectares with a population of 118 000 people.

Due to its advantageous geographic location along with major transportation routes, coupled with its population, scientists, educational system, and developed infrastructure make Obninsk ideal and attractive for investors and new business.


There are ten federal scientific-research and design institutes, three of them are part of the State Research Center

Unlike in the past, today the Obninsk scientific-research companies supply competitive and reliable goods and services to the world market. There are ten federal scientific-research and design institutes, three of them are part of the State Research Center and are located right here in Obninsk:

• Joint Stock Company “State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky” (SSC RF IPPE);

• State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise ORPE “Technologiya” named after A.G. Romashin;

• Joint Stock Company “Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry”;

• Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – Medical Research Center named after A.G. Tsyba;

• State Institute “Research and Production Association “Typhoon”;

• All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information – World Data Center;

• All-Russian Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology;

• All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Meteorology;

• The branch of JSC “Research & Construction Institute of Installation Technology - Atomstroy”

Obninsk companies are equipped with unique equipment and services with their experimental and test stations, including nuclear, chemical, microbiological and instrument facilities.

Small and medium size innovation business

Besides the major corporations, Obninsk also has more than 600 small and medium size innovative businesses as a part of its portfolio.

To name just a few of innovation business infrastructure:

- Kaluga region Agency for Innovation development;

- Center for technology transfer;

- Fund for small business support;

- Obninsk Center for Science and technologies;

- Obninsk business incubator;

- OCST Business Incubator;

- Students’ business incubator at the Obninsk institute for Nuclear Power Engineering;

Future Perspectives:

- The creation of a 60-hectar industrial site with 6000 posytions of employments;

- The creation of Innovation Development Zone with total investment EUR 32.6 million;

- The Creation of Obninsk Industrial park for the development of medical-pharmaceutical cluster.


There are two institutes of higher education: the Obninsk institute for Nuclear Power Engineering MEPhI and the branch of the Contemporary Academy.

Obninsk has got a distinct advantage over other cities in that it is a “science city” with highly trained and well educated workforce due to its strong education and past history/industries in nuclear engineering.

The largest university specializes in nuclear engineering – the Obninsk institute for Nuclear Power Engineering MEPhI with 4229 students, 380 professors, including 229 PhDs. Degrees from these universities range from nuclear technology, nuclear and power engineering, informational technology, material science, radiation medicine, ecology, economy, innovation and business management, jurisprudence. In 2008 Medical institute as a part of State Technical University of Nuclear Power Engineering (The Obninsk Affiliate of the Moscow State Engineering-Physical Institute) opened its doors for the first students.

Besides the institutes of higher education, there are polytechnic college, medical college and three vocational colleges.

International cooperation

Obninsk actively collaborates with foreign partners in the sphere of foreign economic activity in order to promote products and technologies of Obninsk enterprises on a foreign market.

Sister cities:

1. Oak Ridge, the USA

2. Mianyang, China

3. Frascati, Italy

4. Visaginas, Lithuania

5. Belene, Bulgaria

Cooperation agreements:

1. Limoge, France

2. Montpellier, France

3. Juvaskyla, Finland

4. Ostrovets, Belarus

5. Tiraspol, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

6. Palilula, Republic of Serbia

7. Eger, Hungary

Obninsk Industrial Park

To develop bio-pharmaceutical cluster 125 hectares site within Obninsk has been provided where medium and big scale medicine and pharmaceutical enterprises are supposed to be built. In 2015 the “Nearmedic-Pharm” factory was launched – Russian pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical company producing original antiviral drug Kagocel® and innovative collagenic bioplastic material Collost™ broadly used in different medical specialties: general surgery, urology, gynecology, traumatology, stomatology, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. Total investment is more than EUR 21 million.

In 2016 the “Palladio Zannini” factory was launched - Italian company producing packaging for dosage forms with a total investment more than EUR 11 million.

Kaluga Region Agency For Innovation Development (KRAFID)

The task of Agency is creation of conditions for an origin and advancement of innovations, creation of new sources of growth, development of hi-tech sector of economy and territorial clusters of Kaluga region, creation of new sources of economic growth through the development of small and medium enterprises of innovative clusters.

Business incubators

Two business incubators take a special place in the innovation infrastructure: "Obninsk Business Incubator" and "City Development Agency - Obninsk Business Incubator".

“Obninsk business incubator” was established in 2001. It has got 1834 square meters lease area for offices and production. There are 7 innovative enterprises here. These 6 companies’ creators are young professionals who won the regional competition of innovative scientific and technical projects among young professionals.

"City Development Agency - Obninsk Business Incubator" with a total area of 1297,6 sq. m. was established in 2007.

In 2019 on the territory of "Obninsk" Technopark will be put into operation a business incubator area of 7,000 sq.m.

Average annual revenue of business incubators’ residents is more than EUR 12.5 million.

Obninsk Technopark

Obninsk project of high technology technopark’s generation bases on “Creation of high technology technoparks in Russian Federation” national program. There are 2 sites with 51,4 hectares in total intended for Obninsk Technopark.

Site №1 is a universal site for the implementation of innovative projects in such areas as new material creation, nanotechnology, IT and high-accuracy instrumentation equipment.

Site №2 is located in the South. It’s going to get together companies major in pharmaceutics and biotechnology. Technopark “Obninsk” includes an experimental public institution Medical Radiological Research Center that will enable to use the research base and the unique human capacity of the Center for implementation of joint projects.

At present the construction documents for the engineering infrastructure as a whole are ready.

The projection is completed and there is a positive confirmation for infrastructure, including internal engineering network utilities and transport communications of both technopark sites, boiler, external plumbing, a business incubator building and an administrative complex.

In 2019 on the territory of "Obninsk" Technopark will be put into operation the IT business incubator with a total area of 7,000 sq.m.

Innovation Development Zone (IDZ) Krasnikh Zor str.

The project implementation of 18 hectares IDZ creation has been started from 2007. The aim of this project is supporting small innovative companies. So they can tenant a municipal land with all ready infrastructures for building small constructions within IDZ. After commissioning they have a right to redeem this land.

There are 7 residents, research and production companies and educational institutions, which successfully place and implement their planned projects.

Total investment of the resident companies is over 250 mln rubles and about 100 positions of employment; according to the estimates of investment portfolios from companies which are now at the design stage, the investment amounts to a project cost of 300 mln rubles and about 150 new positions of employment.

Growth points of economy

The city enterprises take an active part in the work of the five innovation clusters established in the territory of Kaluga region and Obninsk:

- Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Biomedicine cluster (Nearmedic-Pharm, Hemofarm, Berlin-Chemie Menarini, Palladio Zannini);

- Composite and ceramic technologies cluster (ORPE Technologiya, RASTR-Technologiya);

- Nuclear technologies Kaluga cluster (Rosatom, IPPE);

- IT cluster (Kraftway, RADICO);

- Automobile cluster automotive Kaluga region (Volkswagen, Volvo, Renault, Skoda, Peugeot, Mitsubishi Motors).

Benefits for investors

Obninsk has a number of advantages for the Russian and foreign investors wishing to place their production on the territory of its production:

- a multidisciplinary research and development, research and production complex, which implements the full life cycle of knowledge-based high-tech products ;

- a high-quality education system, a high level of human capital ( skilled personnel, a large number of young professionals, students, post-graduate students);

- a favorable social climate ;

- a favorable geographical position;

- a comfortable urban environment.

Due to its scientific and cultural potential, developed infrastructure, a sufficient number of comfortable hotels of different levels Obninsk is becoming more attractive for tourism.

Science and innovation development

In 2018 9.6 thousand people in Obninsk were busy in the field of science and scientific maintenance, or 20.1% of total employment in enterprises and organizations of the city, of which 8.4 thousand -. Employees of the Research Institute of the city.

The share of enterprises of scientific and industrial complex in an industrial output of the city in 2018 was 24%.

In 2018 organizations of scientific-innovation sphere took part in the implementation of more than 60 international projects and commercialized 136 innovative projects.

Major investment projects for the creation of new areas of concentration are implemented in Obninsk, mainly - innovative enterprises and high-skilled jobs with a high level of pay are created here:

- Municipal Industrial Zone (8 enterprises and organizations);

- Krasnykh Zor’str. Innovation Development Area (8 companies);

- Innovation Development Area "Obninsk Industrial Park" (3 companies);

- Technopark "Obninsk".

Achievements Obninsk scientists and workers of science-intensive industries are awarded high state honours.

Investment into the future

Speaking about Obninsk they recall above all that Obninsk is a city of the first nuclear heating plant in the world or that Oninsk has been given the status of 1st Science city in Russian Federation. Its habitants and guests always note a special charm of city. Located not far from Moscow Obninsk is one of the most comfortable place for dwelling within Kaluga region.

The new general plan’s revision is near to be completed. Obninsk borders are going to be expanded and this expansion has to support further city economic development by increasing enterprises quantity and as a result increasing the taxable basis and positions of employment. New territory will provide also raising the housebuilding sector. New ideas, products and technologies’ implementation will improve Obninsk habitants’ lives significantly.

Green city

The city developed along the scenic river Protva and network forested ravines and was initially focused on the maximum preservation of existing forests.

Architecture of urban neighborhoods of Obninsk differs modernity and diversity. Apartment buildings and private residential sector are provided with district heating, water supply, sewerage and natural gas. Network of roads and sidewalks is well developed in the city.

Obninsk is a very compact city in terms of construction. In every microdistrict there are shops to sell food and manufactured goods and horticultural products. Neighborhood units provided with all necessary domestic services.

Sports city

In Obninsk development of the best sports traditions is maintained by federal, regional, municipal structures and is combined with the efforts of civic organizations, federations, sports professionals and enthusiasts.

Citizens of the city are engaged in fitness and sports at various sports centers:

- Sports complex “Sports Palace”

- “Lathynins Artistic Gymnastics School”

- “Alexander Savin Speacilized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic volleyball Reserve”

- Football club “Kvant”

- Sports complex “Sports House”, specialized for boxing, fitness aerobics, weightlifting, gym

- Sports complex “Olympus” – the most popular and the largest complex in Kaluga region. It includes an ice arena, 25- and 50-meter swimming pools, fitness rooms and versatile halls

- Many fitness centers
In 2015 a roller skiing track and a beach volleyball center were opened.



Создано: 28.11.2011 14:51

Дата последнего обновления страницы: 03.06.2014 10:02